One of the most influential aspects of our lives is the people with whom we choose to surround ourselves. I love this quote below from Trent Shelton, former NFL player, which he made to Mel Robbins on her Podcast. (Episode: “5 Things Only Fake Friends Do & How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You”)
“When you’re in the right environment, around the right people, you never have to question anything that is real.”
If you find that you are consistently questioning other people’s loyalty, intentions, words, actions, (or lack thereof), and generally have no peace that they have your back, then it’s probably time to take inventory. People have bad days of course, but the people with whom you choose to spend your time, share your grief and good news should feed your soul, support your growth, and generally want to help you become a better version of you with nothing to gain for themselves. If there are people in your life who are taking and not giving, not happy for you when times are good, and grieving with you when times are difficult, not holding you to the standards to which you hold yourself, you probably already know it and may even be thinking of someone right now who fits into that category. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut them out of your life altogether, but probably need to limit their access to those parts of you you should be holding sacred.
At the same time, you’re probably thinking of those who DO have your back and best interest at heart. I refer to these rare and cherished individuals as my ”Inner Sanctum.” They hold me accountable, share my ups and downs, give as much as they take, but most importantly, I can trust them with my emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual safety. I am grateful for them every day.